The Old Man

"I implore you. Lay down your arms and submit to The Emperor's judgement. Your bodies are forfeit but your souls may yet be saved." - Vilam Ganzorig at the Razing of Dar Proxima

Vilam Ganzorig is an Inquisitor of considerable age and experience. As a follower of the Transmechanist school of thought, a fringe offshoot of Thorianism, Vilam is concerned primarily with finding and studying mechanisms and devices which might allow the transfer of consciousness between sentient beings and ultimately seeks to resurrect the Emperor by mechanical and scientific means. The Transmechanists view themselves as being more practical than other incarnationist factions and believe that it is only through direct action that the God Incarnate can be created. This attitude has lead to cross words between Ganzorig and a number of mainstream Thorians on more than a few occasions. Ganzorig holds the Ardentites in particularly low esteem. 

Somewhat unusually for a Thorian, Vilam is a member of the Ordo Xenos and has a particular interest in the consciousness transfer technologies of the ancient Necrontyr and the infinity circuits and ghost warriors of the Eldar. 

Ganzorig maintains close ties with several high ranking members of the Adeptus Mechanicus and has agents embedded in several explorator fleets operating on the edges of Ultima Segmentum and beyond, in the hopes that in their quest for arcane technologies they may find something of use to him. He is also not averse to dealing with - at least indirectly - what many of his peers would view as unsavoury types or organisations, as long as they can assist in furthering his goals. It is rumoured that he has consorted with radical members of the Ordos and even xenos species in the past, although such allegations have never been proven.

Now well into the second century of his life, Ganzorig has become quite frail, despite regular rejuvenat treatments and restorative surgeries. As such, he prefers to oversee his operations from a distance, trusting his agents and acolytes to carry out his orders to the letter. On the rare occasions that Inquisitor Ganzorig does take to the field he is anything but subtle. Encased in a suit of ancient power armour, the symbols of the Inquisition displayed prominently on its every surface, he strides through enemy fire bellowing threats and orders, his words made all the more potent by his significant telepathic abilities.

Ganzorig is currently hunting for a mysterious artefact known as the Aetheric Tympanum, a device which he believes has the power to locate souls amongst the roiling tides of the empyrean and to drag them back to the material plane. He has also dispatched agents to investigate the Heidrun Incident - a series of events concerning the former High Protector of his home sector, Godryk Aventine.

 Inquisitor Vilam Ganzorig

 The Servitor Calix

 Havel Erdenne, Interrogator

Garma Thess, Former Harakoni Warhawk


Hello! I threatened to do this a while ago and I finally have! Fresh photos of some of my older minis, to show them off in a better light - literally! I've also included a small piece of fluff to give a bit of background on the warband. 

I really like these guys, I started them in 2016 as my second proper INQ28 warband and it was the first time I had built Inquisitor models from anything other than spare parts I had laying around. I actually got to use them in a game hosted by Jordan Lee in Cork at the beginning of 2017, which was great!

I'm particularly pleased with the colour scheme for these guys and it took me a ridiculously long time to pick it! I knew early on that I wanted Ganzorig to be a Thorian so I chose green as the main spot colour as I had associated it with this particular faction ever since the fantastic Thorian Inquisitor was released for Inquisitor in 54mm. I used the green as kind of a mark of status, with Ganzorig and Erdenne wearing quite a lot of it, Garma less and the servitor Calix wearing none. I offset the green with warm leathers and gold.

Anywho, thanks for looking!


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